Beach state for sale El Transito, Leon

Código: TPV-5004 Sale price: U$ 426,436.68

land / beach for sale- el transito-leòn. 35,536.39vr2 land of 80% flat topography with cobbled access and densely wooded with coconuts, and other timber trees such as: cedar, mahogany, pochotes, genisaros, nin, eucalyptus, among others. It has 2 floors with a 5,000-liter water tank and its concrete tower. It has 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, terrace with excellent view towards the sea, ample parking for 8 vehicles. It has the service of drinking water, electricity and a new sink 15 meters deep. a private energy structure, retaining walls and gutters, brickwork, bleachers, veneers, platforms and showers outside the house. It includes an air bridge that connects the property with the beach. The projected construction of the coastal highway in the Pacific zone of Nicaragua, is a work that will positively revalue the value of the lands in that area.


Signature available
Air conditioning


El Transito, Leon, Nicaragua

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